Mafi Kumase market has been closed down till further notice.
Following the global outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, a number of protocols have been put in place including social distancing to prevent the spread of the virus.
However, the Public Health Emergency Management Committee of the Central Tongu has noted with utmost concern the total disregard for the directive on social distancing among traders and patrons of the Mafi Kumase market.
Further, the latest development in the Region and the closure of Juaoong market may increase the number of people in the market thereby making it extremely difficult to practice social distancing due to the anticipated large crowd.
The District Security Council and the Public Health Emergency Management Committee of the Central Tongu District Assembly have therefore advised that, the Mafi Kumase market is temporarily closed to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 in the district.
To this end, the Mafi Kumase market is hereby closed temporarily with effect from Monday 13th April 2020 until further notice. This is for the strict compliance of all patrons of the Mafi Kumase Market
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