As I read Psalm 104, one sentence stood out for me – Praise the Lord, O my soul.
A soul such as mine needs this message, thus when I read it I couldn’t stop thinking about it. No wonder the first thing I did was make a Facebook post about it.
This is a direct message to the soul, especially a soul that hasn’t praised the Lord for a very long time, a soul that has forgotten the wonders and deeds of the Lord.
Oh, must we praise God for only what he has done for us?
When you read the chapter you will see that the writer praises God for who he is and his creation.
Oh, the very air we breathe should be worth praising God for O’ my soul, my ability to write this blog and have you read and understand is something you should praise God for.
Praise the Lord, O my soul. Let my soul never forget the words of Psalm 104, let it ring in my mind and let me do accordingly. Let my soul praise the Lord because of the beauty of creation and because someone has stretched out the heavens like a tent.