Sogakope Senior High School held their 60th Anniversary on Monday, 21st November 2022 at their school premises. Here is a list of activities from Monday to Sunday plus some videos.
Monday (21st Nov. 2022)
- General Cleaning
- Candlelight procession through Sogakope town by students (5 pm- 7 pm)
Tuesday ( 22nd Nov. 2022)
- Arrival of SOSANS
- Organization and Tour of Campus
Wednesday ( 23rd Nov. 2022)
- Science and Maths Quiz competition
- Inter house games
- Exhibition by school and photo gallery
- Drama night
Watch the Drama Night via the links below:
Thursday ( 24th Nov. 2022)
- Exhibition and sales of anniversary items
- Mister and Miss Sogasco
Video of Mister and Miss Sogasco:
Friday (25th Nov. 2022)
- Exhibition and sales of anniversary items
- Sogasco in pictures
- Anniversary lecture
- Award Ceremony
- Borborbor night
Borbor Night video:
Saturday ( 26th Nov. 2022)
- Aerobic Exercise
- Project Handling
- Dubar and Inspection of project
- Refreshments of dignitaries and SOSANs
- Congress and Election
- Dinner Dance Night with Live band
Live band video:
Sunday ( 27th Nov. 2022)
- Thanksgiving service
- Food bazaar